If you have a crawling baby at home then it should be a must to have baby gates for stairs to protect him from falling. The infant usually starts to crawl when he is in his fourth month to around seventh month. There are other protective things to do but these are way too important for the safety and protection of your child. But the question that many parents may raise is that what would be the best baby gate for their child as there are a variety of gates available.
There are three main types of these gates commonly used by the parents. The retractable glasses which are gaining much popularity these days; the hardware mounted and the much common pressure gates. retractable glass wall These pressure gates though are very popular but they are not completely safe as the infants can also open them when they apply some pressure and there is always a risk of falling. They are ideal for rooms where you need to block the way for the infant.
The second types are the hardware mounted types and they are much better than the pressure ones. All you need is to fix them in the wall with some screws and they would get fixed. They are the safest when it comes to the safety of the child.

The retractable ones are also gaining popularity ad they are made up of polyester mesh which is sift and safe for the child but it can also open with some pressure. The bigger babies can open them easily. So you need to look at the size of your toddler and the pressure of the gate before installation.
All of these are simple to install; the simplest is the pressure gate, however the hardware mounted comes with the kit and you can install it easily.
When you buy the baby things for your first child then there are a lot of things that your miss and this could be one of them and you will not need it until your child starts to crawl. And to go to a super market just to buy them can sometimes be delayed for several reasons. So instead of endangering your child from falling order it online is one of your options.