It can be difficult to get kids excited about brushing their teeth. Kids don't understand the importance of having clean, healthy teeth and gums.
For kids, brushing is a waste of time and a hassle. Training your kids proper tooth brushing habits can be harder the older they are. While there are many creative ways to make brushing fun for kids, if your kids realize you don't like brushing your teeth, it can be 西瓜卡通 more difficult for them to enjoy brushing their teeth as well. To make brushing fun, you must enjoy it yourself.
How do you make teeth brushing fun for your kids? Here are some ideas to help you get started on instilling good dental hygiene habits in your kids:
1. Sing
Many times children and adults alike don't brush their teeth for the recommended two minutes. This may seem like eternity for children who are brushing their teeth and have no distractions.
Playing your child's favorite song (granted it is at least 2 minutes long), is a fun way to get them to brush their teeth. You can blast up the tunes and brush your teeth together as a family which will also give your children role models to look up to.
2. Offer Rewards
Reward your child for a job well done. One idea is to make a chart and give your child a sticker to put on it each time they brush their teeth. Once they reach a bigger goal, such as brushing their teeth every day for a week, you can reward them with a movie, ice cream, extra TV time or a small time. This will make your child excited and proud. The rewards will spur your child on to continued brushing.
3. Tell a Story
You can do is to read stories to your child that educates them on the importance of teeth brushing and follow it up with your made-up story about teeth brushing where your child is the hero or main character. Pick a story that matches your child's personality such as them being a princess brushing her teeth to get ready for the ball or a lion that needs the leafy greens removed from his teeth.
4. Teach Them by Example
Children are great observers. They will pick up the habits of their parents and older siblings. To instill good brushing habits in your kids, try brushing your teeth at the same time so they can mimic your habits. Brushing your teeth together with your kids will also create a routine they can stick to. This is also a fun way to spend time together.
5. Let Your Child Select the Toothpaste and Toothbrush
Make teeth brushing fun by allowing your child to pick out their own toothbrush and toothpaste. There are many kid toothbrushes out there, including ones that spin. Your child can select a toothbrush with their favorite cartoon character or superhero on it. Just like 西瓜卡通 there are many child toothbrushes, there are also many kid-friendly toothpastes available. These kid-specific toothpastes come in a variety of flavors kids love including watermelon and bubble gum.