Before getting your shiba inu, you probably should have done some research on them to determine if their temperament would be a good match for your personality and training skills of a dog. However, if you didn't, don't worry about it. Learning new things about your shiba inu gives you a better understanding of them which will help you train and care for them in the long run.
The shiba inu is a dog that considers themselves king of their environment. One of the words the Japanese used to describe this breed is "kan-i" which basically shiba inu for sale means bravery and boldness mixed with composure and mental strength. If your shiba inu dog could say just one word it would be "mine". To the shiba inu, everything is theirs and sharing is a thing everyone else around them should practice often. The toys are "mine", the food is "mine", the sofa is "mine"......the inherent mentality of the shiba is persistent to the independent thoughts that the world is their's for the taking.

However, beyond the inherent traits of the shiba inu, there are many traits that come to light only after getting to really know your shiba. For example, the shiba inu is a charming dog that loves to interact with their owners and actually longs for their affection. They love to play and can usually play for hours on end. They make great pets for families with small children as they are known to be very gentle in a family oriented environment.
The shiba inu can be a difficult dog to train due to their independent nature, however if trained correctly and consistently, they are very smart dogs that catch on to routine behavior very quickly. In the case of a good training program, shiba inu's are exceptional learners and will adapt to their training very quickly. It is always suggested to get a training guide or manual for the dog breed you are looking to bring home or have at your home currently, as this will expedite the learning shiba inu for sale and show you, as the owner, how to train your dog correctly and avoid the long painstaking process of trial and error.